The Cake: For Claire's 3rd birthday, she requested a unicorn cake. I figured since it would be very girlie and flowery it was a perfect opportunity to try to fondant a cake and make gumpaste flowers. I found a marshmallow fondant (MMF) recipe from Peggy Weaver, and it worked just as she suggested. It was very easy to make, store, and shape. I used it to cover the cake and to make the letters and unicorn. My 5 year old daughter made the flowers using the Wilton gumpaste flower kit. The sides were hand-painted using food dye thinned with vodka.
The inside of the cake was a layered rainbow. The kids loved it. Very easy to do, just divide the cake batter into six bowls. Dye each one a different color using food dye. Layer the first 9" pan with red followed by orange, then yellow. Layer the second 9" pan with green, then blue, then purple. Don't pour the batter or it will mix the colors, rather gently spoon each layer onto the other.
The cake flavor was pink lemonade. There are many recipes online, but the best one I found was from the Real Mom Kitchen.
The Favors: I bought unicorn goblets from and gave one to each child, along with a unicorn horn-shaped lollipop.
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